
  • LAN Architects Website

    “LAN (Local Architecture Network) was created by Benoît Jallon and Umberto Napolitano in 2002, with the idea of exploring architecture as an area of activity at the intersection of several disciplines.”

    I was asked to build their new website by Nicola Aguzzi from Undo-Redo who did the design and concept work. We worked together to get from static layouts to a responsive experience that makes the website work on devices with different screen resolutions from high resolution desktop to small phone screens.

    To achieve this I used the excellent Craft CMS, hosting on Digital Ocean and Amazon S3 for asset storage.

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  • Draga & Aurel Website

    Draga & Aurel are two artists living and working in Como, Italy. I was asked to build their new website and to transform the original layout by Lorenzo Butti into a responsive, mobile friendly web site.

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  • Surya Swiss Website

    Surya represents a selection of brands in the wellness, bio-construction and energy saving sector in Switzerland. Their new website’s layout was designed by Lorenzo Butti. I then used this layout to build the site using Kirby CMS and make it a responsive, mobile friendly web site.

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